Blue Goo Gaming
Thank you for supporting Blue Goo Gaming.

Donator Perks

Perks Member Donator Bronze Donator Gold Donator
#donators Discord Channel No Yes Yes Yes
Chat Name Coloring No Yes (Green) Yes (Bronze) Yes (Gold)
Waypoints / Teleports 4 6 8 10
CSMM Economy (Gambo Coins) Yes (1x Coins) Yes (2x Coins) Yes (3x Coins) Yes (4x Coins)
Donation Required None Yes ($6/Month) Yes ($9/Month) Yes ($12/Month)

Terms And Conditions
  • All donations are used to pay for our server rental expenses.
  • All donations should be considered a non-refundable gift.
  • You are not purchasing any goods or services by making a donation.
  • Donator privileges cannot be guaranteed.
  • Server availability cannot be guaranteed.
  • Donation amounts less than $6 are considered gifts.
  • Donation amounts in excess of $36 are considered gifts.
  • Please include your in-game name and Discord name, if they are different, in the note field when you donate.
  • Your donation gives you these perks on ALL of our servers.
  • Your Gambo Coin balance is unique to each server. For example, coins earned on Server #1 are only available on Server #1, and coins earned on Serve #2 are only available on Server #2, etc. And, balances must stay linked to the server they have been earned on.
  • Gambo Coin balances are zeroed out (reset) each time a server is wiped or rebuilt.
  • Player teleports are cleared (reset) each time a server is wiped or rebuilt.
  • Note: We sometimes setup special servers that will have different perks from those listed above.

You MUST open a ticket in our Discord to get your dontor perks activated.
The donation process requires your Disocrd account to be linked to the
game servers. We have to do this manually and the ticket
helps us communicate with you as we active the perks.
